8 ways to harness the power of use cases to close the hardest deals

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Harness the power of use cases to close the hardest deals

 The digitally connected modern buyer has various ways to gather the information that will influence their purchasing decisions. To seal the deal with this type of customer, a sales rep needs to adopt a customized and modern approach. One way to do so is to leverage the power of use cases.

But first, let’s look at the meaning of seal the deal or close the deal. It refers to deciding upon an agreement successfully. In sales, to seal the deal means the prospective customer has agreed to make a purchase. But this simple definition belies the fact that closing a sale is a very demanding job. To do so, every sales rep needs a selling strategy that generates wins even in an oversaturated market.

How to close a sales deal effectively

Do you want to know how to close a deal over the phone or in a virtual meeting? No matter what the setting is, the key is to incorporate these time-tested techniques into your selling strategy. Using these, you can convince even the most hesitant customer to give you a patient hearing.


1. Research your prospects:

Did you know that at least 50 percent of your prospects are not a good fit for what you sell? Finding out which customer deserves a greater portion of your time and energy helps you achieve a better success ratio.

2. Use a data-driven approach:

A data-driven sales strategy leverages all the information in your system about every sales interaction and lets you better anticipate the needs of your prospects. Accordingly, you can determine which offers to promote and who will be your target audience.

3. Customize your message:

Once you know your prospects well, you are aware of the challenges they face. When you approach the prospect, the proposition you pitch should address the unique challenges faced by the customer. It is best to offer solutions instead of selling the product.

4. Highlight value, but do not pull down competitors:

Any prospect will compare your offer with those of your competitors before deciding. You might hear this question all the time too, "How are you better than your competitors?" While your reply should highlight the unique advantages of your product over that of the competitors, refrain from badmouthing them.

5. Talk money:

Budget objection is the primary reason why most sales fall through. But there are ways to overcome monetary constraints and have a less awkward conversation around the price. To close the deals effectively, it is better to work with the customer and find a solution that suits them, rather than pushing your product without understanding their limitations.

6. Be pleasant:

There are all kinds of customers, including those who are non-committal or even rude. While you can’t control their behavior, you can control how you react to them. Be pleasant yet stay firm, and do not show any anxiety.

7. Respect the client’s opinion:

Do not take it personally if a client shows reluctance to buy into your pitch. The best way to handle such a situation is to listen to their concerns and show them that you care. Once you identify their specific needs, you can leverage use cases to show why your product is just the right fit for them.

8 ways to harness the power of use cases to close the hardest deals:

  1. Articulate benefits
  2. Personalize communication
  3. Educate prospects
  4. Enable deeper understanding
  5. Prioritize different needs
  6. Provide detail
  7.  Handle objections
  8.  Empower your sales force

A use case is a scenario or a situation in which a product or service could be used to achieve a goal. Use cases vary according to the requirements for which a particular customer group has bought that product or service. In short, a use case helps you define your product according to the customer’s needs. When this is done keeping in mind the company’s messaging and strategy, you get the perfect new-age tool for closing sales deals.

Here are some ways in which you can leverage use cases to close even the hardest deals


1. Articulate benefits:

Use cases allow customers to see all the ways in which the product can help them achieve their goals. This makes the product’s value more tangible and appealing for them.

2. Personalize communication:

Each use case is relevant for a particular segment of your target audience. So, you can use these use cases to identify the common goals of your target groups and tailor your messages to them accordingly.

3. Educate prospects:

By going through all the use cases of a product, a prospect can self-identify their requirements and even visualize new needs the product can meet.

4. Enable deeper understanding:

If you were a customer, would you close a deal based on just facts and figures? Instead, a real-life usage scenario would be more relatable and enable you to understand the product thoroughly.

5. Prioritize different needs:

Unlike case studies, use cases are not limited to the experience of a particular customer. They highlight the solution provided to an entire industry or buyer type. Accordingly, each use case can prioritize a different need and include details unique to that, to make a short yet more compelling case.

6. Provide detail:

Use cases are flexible and can be as simple or as detailed as you want them to be, depending on your target audience. Even minor features, which are not usually discussed in other sales collaterals, can be brought out here.

7. Handle objections:

Use cases also envisage what might go wrong when a customer uses your product and provides relevant solutions. A prospect has the replies to any objections he might have before he can even raise them.

8. Empower your sales force:

Use cases demonstrate the real-life usability and the functional capabilities of your product, adding to the confidence of your sales reps. It also acts as a guideline for the direction they need to go in and the most important features they should talk about.

For sales reps to be able to fully harness the potential of use cases, they should use these in conjunction with Salesken. Salesken is a conversational intelligence tool designed for salespeople. It helps detect crucial talking points and analyze the conversation in real-time. This lets sales reps adapt their presentation based on the prospect's requirements and decide the kind of use cases they would be most interested in viewing.

With Salesken, you can equip your sales reps with the expert knowledge required to close a sales deal successfully.

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