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Sales Email Template: Get Results with the Ultimate Sales Email Template Toolkit

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Namrata N
Abhinash Jami
Reviewed By
Abhinash Jami

Published: April 13, 2023

Are your sales emails falling flat? 

It's easy to get stuck in a rut, churning out messages that are too long, too self-centered, and downright dull. 

Did you know that 86% of business professionals prefer email as a communication medium?

Following up on that, over a whopping 319 billion emails are sent daily!

So, how do you stand out in your prospect's inbox? The sales email must be convincing, enticing, and engaging; to add that, you only have a few sentences to do it.

But there's a better way to capture your readers' attention and increase your chances of making a sale. It starts with the right sales email template. After all, getting someone to open and read your email is half the battle. The other half is about making it brief, value-packed, and action-provoking.

In this guide, we'll show you how to create a killer sales email toolkit that will make your messages stand out from the crowd. And the best part? The average return on sales emails is a whopping $38 for every dollar invested. That means the revenue potential is huge! So, buckle up and get ready to transform your sales game.

What is a B2B Sales Email?

A B2B sales email is a type of email message that is sent by a business to another business to sell a product or service. B2B sales emails are part of the overall strategy of B2B marketing, and they are used to initiate contact with potential clients, build relationships, and generate leads.

The content of a B2B sales email typically includes a personalized greeting, an introduction, a brief explanation of the product or service being offered, the benefits and features of the product or service, a call to action, and a way for the recipient to contact the sender for further information or to make a purchase.

B2B sales emails can be sent to individual decision-makers or a company's entire email list, depending on the nature of the product or service being sold and the target audience. A B2B sales email aims to engage the recipient and convince them to take action that will lead to a sale.

The Basics of a Successful Sales Email

Before diving into crafting a sales email template, it's important to understand the key components of a winning email. In this section, we'll cover the basics of a successful sales email.

1. Write a Catchy Subject Line

There's nothing worse than crafting a well-written sales email, only to have it go unopened and unnoticed by your intended audience. Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common, with many salespeople failing to put enough emphasis on the importance of a compelling subject line.

From embarrassing spelling errors to clickbait-style headlines that leave readers feeling misled, the subject line of your sales email can make or break your entire campaign. Without a strong subject line, even the most expertly crafted message will never see the light of day.

This is particularly true for cold emails, which rely solely on the subject line to pique the recipient's interest and convince them to open the message. So, if you want your sales emails to be successful, it's crucial to devote time and effort to creating engaging and impactful subject lines.

No matter how great your email content is, if the subject line is not enticing your audience to open the email, it's going to end up in their spam folder.

Here are a few factors to consider before writing subject lines -

a) Length of the Subject Line

According to a study by MarketingSherpa, subject lines with 41-50 characters are the most popular among marketers, while those with 61-70 characters have the highest read rates.

b) Utilizing Psychological Elements

Sales teams can use psychological elements to write sales email subject lines that increase the chances of customers opening their emails. Here are some strategic action-focused points to consider:

  • Use Curiosity: People are naturally curious and using subject lines that pique their curiosity can increase the chances of them opening your email. Consider using subject lines that ask a question or tease a benefit that the customer can gain by reading your email.
  • Create Urgency: Human beings have a natural tendency to take action when there is a sense of urgency. Consider using subject lines that create a sense of urgency or scarcity, such as limited-time offers or exclusive deals that are only available for a short period.
  • Personalize the Subject Line: Personalization can make a big difference in the success of a sales email. Use the customer's name or reference something specific about them or their business in the subject line to grab their attention.
  • Use Social Proof: People are more likely to take action when they see that others have done the same. Consider using subject lines that include social proof, such as testimonials or case studies that demonstrate how your product or service has helped others.
  • Keep it Simple: Keep your subject line concise and to the point. Avoid using overly complicated language or jargon that may be confusing to the customer. A clear and straightforward subject line can be more effective at grabbing the customer's attention.

2. Opening Line

When starting a sales email, it's crucial to consider how to address the recipient - using a first name or a more formal greeting.

To ensure your approach is appropriate, know your audience and refer to your ideal customer profile. Your opening line should establish the context for why you're reaching out, build trust and credibility, and smoothly transition into your sales pitch.

Connect your opening line to the subject line to maintain relevance and interest. For example, mention something specific about the recipient or their company, tie it into how your product or service can provide value, and keep your message short and to the point.

Here are some tips for writing the best opening line in your sales email:

Address the Recipient Appropriately

Consider using a first name or a more formal greeting based on your knowledge of the prospect's preferences.

Know your Audience

Refer to your ideal customer profile to ensure that your approach aligns with the recipient's characteristics.

Establish the Context

Quickly convey why you are reaching out and the value that your product or service can offer to the recipient.

Build Trust and Credibility

Demonstrate your expertise or share relevant industry insights to establish your authority and build trust with the prospect.

Maintain Relevance

Connect your opening line to the subject line and any previous interactions you've had with the prospect.

Keep it Short and to the Point

Focus on crafting one or two short sentences that accomplish the above goals while remaining relevant to the subject line and the recipient's needs.

3. Body Content

Writing a compelling sales email body is critical to converting potential customers. Here are six strategies that sales teams can use to write effective sales email body content:

Start with a Clear Goal

Before you start writing your sales email, it's important to know what outcome you want to achieve. Decide on a primary goal for your email, such as getting an immediate sale, booking a call, or getting prospects on a free trial.

Craft a Compelling Pitch

With a strong subject line and opening line, you've already set the context for your email. Now, you need to write a winning sales pitch that will convince your prospects to take action.

Establish your Credibility

It's important to give your prospects enough information about who you are in the email body. This will help establish your credibility and build confidence in your product or service.

Clarify the Problem you Solve

Use one sentence, to sum up, the problem you're trying to solve. If you don't have a pitch like this, it's time to write one!

Highlight the Benefits

Use bullet points to highlight the benefits that your prospects will get from your product or service. Be sure to use specific use cases that your prospects can relate to, so they cannot ignore the value you're offering.

Personalize the message

Address the prospect by name and tailor the message to their specific needs and interests. This helps to build a connection and demonstrates that you have taken the time to understand their business.

By following these steps, you can create a well-crafted sales email that is tailored to your primary goal and addresses the needs of your prospects.

4. Call to Action (CTA)

Once your email is opened and your users have gone through its contents, the next step is to direct them to take action that leads to a conversion. A conversion can be anything that is based on your campaign objectives, such as clicking through to your website, downloading a resource, or completing an abandoned order.

To guide users towards taking action, you can include a Call to Action (CTA) button. Here are some effective ways to make your CTA button stand out and increase the chances of conversion -

a) Add a Limited Number of CTAs

To improve the chances of email conversions, businesses need to ensure that their emails have a clear and singular purpose. Including only one or two CTA buttons will help users easily identify the action they need to take, ultimately increasing the likelihood of conversion.

For instance, HubSpot, a marketing and sales software company, found that simplifying their email content and focusing on one clear CTA helped to improve their click-through rates by 26%.

By reducing the number of distractions in their emails and making the desired action more obvious, they were able to create a more compelling user experience and drive better results.

b) Leverage an Actionable CTA Copy

To ensure your Call to Action (CTA) buttons get clicks, it is important to make sure that the CTA is relevant to the email's purpose, and that the button copy clearly conveys the desired action.

Using strong action-oriented language can encourage users to take that desired action.

Glossier, a popular beauty and skincare brand. In one of their email campaigns, they used the CTA copy "Get your glow on" to encourage users to purchase a new line of skincare products. 

This actionable phrase effectively communicated the specific action that the email wanted users to take, leading to a higher click-through rate and increased conversions.

By ensuring that your CTA buttons are directly related to your email's purpose and using effective CTA copy, you can motivate your audience to take the desired action and see better results.

5. Signature

Your email signature is prime real estate that is often underused by sales reps. Instead of a simple and uninteresting signature that only lists your name, title, and contact information, use this space as an opportunity to continue selling to your prospects.

Your signature can help build credibility, offer something interesting to your recipients, and showcase something relevant to your communication with them. Don't let this valuable space go to waste.

Here are some tips to make your email signature more appealing:

  • Use a professional profile picture: Adding a photo to your signature makes it more personal and helps build trust. Use a high-quality headshot or a professional photo that aligns with your brand.
  • Keep it short and sweet: Your signature should be concise and easy to read. Avoid including too much information and stick to the essentials, like your name, job title, and contact information.
  • Add social media links: Including links to your social media profiles can help your prospects learn more about your brand and build a connection with you.
  • Use a relevant banner or logo: Add a banner or logo to your signature that's relevant to your brand or the purpose of your email. This makes it more visually appealing and helps reinforce your brand.

With these tips, you can create a sales email that's engaging, and professional, and helps move your sales conversations forward and thus, close more deals.

Sales Email Template Toolkit: How to Write an Effective Sales Email

It's a well-known fact that emails are the most effective channel for lead generation. According to McKinsey, emails are almost 40 times more effective than social media.

Here are a few mind-blowing examples that have noticed incredible success with cold emails -

  1. Noah Kagan, the founder of SumoMe, is well-known for his success with cold email outreach. He used cold email to reach out to potential customers and partners, resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue for his business.
  2. Buffer, the social media management tool, used cold email to reach out to bloggers and journalists to get coverage for their product. This resulted in significant exposure and helped Buffer to grow its user base.
  3. Hubspot, the inbound marketing platform, used cold email as a part of its overall marketing strategy to reach out to potential customers and partners. Their success with cold email helped them to grow their business and become one of the leading inbound marketing platforms.
  4. Close.io, the sales CRM platform, used cold email as a way to reach out to potential customers and partners. They saw significant success with this approach, leading to a large number of new customers and partnerships.
  5. Leadfeeder, the lead generation tool, used cold email as a way to reach out to potential customers and partners. Their success with cold email helped them to grow their business and establish themselves as a leading player in the lead generation space.

Top Sales Email Templates to Use in Various Scenarios

Using the right sales email template for different scenarios is crucial to increase your chances of success.

Here are some of the top sales email templates to use in different scenarios:

#1 Introduction Email Template

Subject: Let's Discuss How We Can Help [Prospect's Company]

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Hello [Prospect’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I came across your company [Company’s Name] and was impressed by the great work you’re doing in the industry. I noticed that [specific trigger that caught your attention such as an award, new product launch, or news article].

At [Your Company’s Name], we offer [Your Company’s Service/Product] to help businesses [the benefit of your company's service/product]. We’ve helped [list a few of your satisfied clients] and would love to do the same for you.

I’d like to schedule a time to discuss how we can assist your company in achieving its goals. Are you available for a brief call on [suggest a specific date and time]? If that doesn’t work, feel free to suggest an alternative that suits you better.

Looking forward to speaking with you soon!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Company’s Name]


#2 Follow-Up Email Template

Subject: Quick call?

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Hi [Prospect's name],

I hope this email finds you well. Last week, we had a brief discussion about [specific topic discussed], and I wanted to follow up on that.

As we discussed, [reiterate the pain point or challenge the prospect shared with you]. Based on what we discussed, our [product/service name] could help you [state the potential benefits of your offering].

To give you a better idea of how we can assist, I have attached a [case study/whitepaper/demo video] that highlights our work with a company in a similar industry. Additionally, I'd love to set up a call next week to dive deeper into your specific needs and see if there's a way we can work together.

Does [date and time] work for you? If not, please let me know when you're available, and I'll make sure to coordinate accordingly.

Looking forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards,
[Your name]
[Your title]
[Your company name]
[Your phone number]


#3 Cold Email Template

Subject: Quick question about [prospect's company]

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am a sales representative at [Your Company]. I came across [Prospect’s Company] while researching [Industry/Market] companies in [Location/Country] and I was impressed by the [Unique feature/achievement] that your company has accomplished.

As a fellow [Industry/Market] professional, I’d love to hear your thoughts on [Pain point/Challenge] in your business. How are you dealing with [Challenge] currently? Are you seeing the results that you want?

At [Your Company], we specialize in [Service/Product] that helps businesses like yours [Benefit]. Our clients have seen an increase in [Result] by using our [Service/Product]. I’d love to learn more about your business and explore if our [Service/Product] can help you achieve your goals.

If you’re interested, let’s set up a quick call next week. I’ll follow up with you in a few days to see if you’re available.

[Your Name]


Some key tips to keep in mind when writing a cold email are:

  • Research the company and the prospect before reaching out
  • Keep the email concise and to the point
  • Personalize the email to the prospect, including their name and company
  • Highlight the prospect’s pain points or challenges and how your product/service can help solve them
  • Include a clear call-to-action, such as scheduling a call or meeting
  • Follow up after a few days if you don't hear back but don't be too pushy or aggressive in your follow-up messages

#4 Referral Email Template

Subject: Referral from [Referrer's Name] - Request for Meeting

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Hi [Prospective Customer's Name],

I hope this email finds you doing well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a sales representative at [Your Company Name]. I was referred to you by [Referrer's Name], who speaks highly of your organization and suggested that I reach out to you.

At [Your Company Name], we specialize in [briefly mention your product/service]. Our customers have seen significant growth in their business through our partnership. I believe that we can collaborate and grow together, and that's why I wanted to reach out.

[Referrer's Name] mentioned that your organization is [mention something specific that the referrer said about the prospective customer's organization]. I would love to discuss how we can help your business grow, and how our product/service can benefit your organization.

I understand your time is valuable, so I promise to be concise and to the point during our meeting. I would like to suggest a [duration of meeting] meeting at your convenience. We can either meet in person or schedule a video conference as per your preference. Please let me know your availability, and I will schedule the meeting accordingly.

Thank you for considering this meeting request. I look forward to the opportunity to meet you and discuss the potential opportunities for our companies.

Best regards,
[Your Name]


#5 Post-Sale Email Template

Subject: Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name] - [Product/Service Name] has arrived!

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Hi [Prospective Customer's Name],

I hope this email finds you doing well. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your recent purchase of our [product/service].

At [Your Company Name], we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products/services. I am confident that our [product/service] will help your business achieve its goals, and we will do everything we can to ensure your success.

I wanted to let you know that you have made an excellent decision by choosing [Your Company Name]. Our team is here to support you every step of the way. We offer [briefly mention the support/services that you provide after the sale], and we are always happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you need any assistance or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. I would be happy to help you.

Thank you again for your purchase, and we look forward to a long and successful partnership with you.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

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Crafting the best sales email templates often takes time to show positive results. With the aforementioned sales email templates and tips, this could be a starting point to write that sales email with a compelling message to a fresh lead.

If you leverage a CRM, you can also save and re-use unlimited sales email templates and customize them for various customers and pique your prospect's interest with ease.

The key to writing a successful email is to test, analyze, and repeat!

Salesken's robust sales intelligence tool makes it easy to track and measure the performance of your sales emails. Sign up for a free demo with one of our experts and see what Salesken can do for your sales teams!

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